Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Le Summer Pt.1

Okay, Okay. The title is cheesey, but I couldn't think of anything better.

..Lately I've been feeling a little guilty for not posting anything recently, so I figured there were a few moments during my summer that you, the readers, deserve to know about. Because I'm generous like that :)

First up..
 BlackPool Pleasure Beach
For all of you who live outside of the UK and/or have never heard of the Pleasure Beach, it's an amusement park placed right next to BlackPool beach (looking to the Irish Sea) and is EXACTLY as cheesey as it sounds! It's the sort of place where if you were to say to somebody "BlackPool Pleasure Beach" their first thoughts would be a mix of childhood nostalgia, freshly cooked doughnuts and some seriously brilliant rides!

Obviously you can't go somewhere like this on your own (it's just not as fun) I had to go with a friend, called Flabbey, and since we live so far away my parents came along for the sightseeing *cough* and transport *cough*
Didn't win this time..
As a kid, my family used to visit Blackpoop Blackpool quite often to see family, and we had this game when whoever saw the tower first received 20p off each family member in the car.
After queuing for flippin' ages we finally got into the park, danced around a little and hit the rides, starting with the good ol' wooden Grand National. Nice and gentle because Flabbey hadn't actually been on a theme park ride before.. Oh was she in for it! XD
Almost there!!
There were literally thousands of visitor's there that day so every ride we went on we had to queue. The Tango Ice Blast took the cake a bit since we had to wait for about an hour and a half for a minute long ride.. Wasn't even as if we were in shade either. Y-OUCH!
Well worth the wait...
On the Ice Blast, you get shot up to 180ft in the air at 80mph, left dangling for a while to take in the spectacular sea view (I did mention it was next to the beach right?) and then brought crashing back down.. Then up, then down, then up once more and finally touch down! I swore we were just going to shoot off the top of the thing!! 
After, we kind of just pootled around the park, going on another wooden ride, eating chips, watching rides go around and up and down and eating a bit more we finally plucked up the courage to go on..

Pepsi Max Big One!!

I mean... Just look at it! D:
Before this, I'd only been on the Big One once before and my fingers had to be peeled off the bars in front of me.

Now before anybody judges me, the ride's highest point is 235ft high from sea level with a first drop of 205ft, that almost corkscrew's on the way down at 74mph, giving the feeling you're about to fall to your doom, and at some points subjecting you to 3.5G, on a track that is just over a mile long. It is a 3 minute ride of sheer terror/thill/excitement/pant pooping fun that has you speechless and gagging for a drink at the end.

Get the picture...?

It's that high it actually has aeroplane hazard light on top. -_-
The ascent
What was nice, was when a friend notices your fear on the way up at about 200ft and attempting calm you by saying "Hey, let's who can see a boat first.."
Great job Flabbey, great job.
*Edit* I'm sorry but this video really doesn't do the ride any justice, especially without sound
After all that, we went on it again for a second time round.

My round's on the Pepsi Max = 3 

Fortunately the park was open until 9pm that day so me and Flabb's spent even more time eating and generally just having a ball on the other rides and coin pusher machines. 
Hopefully we'll get to go again sometime so I can shove Flabb's onto Infusion (she wimped out) and also go on Valhalla as we didn't get the chance.

So my question is.. 
Who out there like's Theme/Amusement Parks, and what's the best bit about them? :)

P.s. My feet are that cold they've gone numb. No word of a lie.
P.p.s. Here's my twitter.. @JunkiPie

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Yays & Nays


What else can I say than.. I AM IN LE HEAVEN >_<
Le'mme show ya' 
                                           Japanese Nom,Nom's 
It was sent to me, from Japnazz ;)

Sorry about the picture quality, the lighting was weird :S

Taiyaki (たい焼き, literally "baked sea bream") is a Japanese fish shaped cake. The most common filling is red bean paste that is made from sweetened adzuki beans.

For those who have never had it before... you're seriously missing out! 
C'est délicieux ^^


  EXCITEMENT! >_<   Upcoming events :
-Junkie & I are going to London for an exhibition kinda thing..  

-G-Dragon might release his solo album in October (I've read on a gossip site/might not even be true) 

-Dinosaur Day with Junkie (& others?)  ;)           [newly added]
-Posh Certificate evening back at schoolio
-The Darkness Concert :D
ack's album will be released in 50 days! (November 21)
-Birthday in December! (Its pretty soon, well soon enough to get excited :P )
-Le Noel/ Christmas! (+German Christmas market!)
-Of course followed by New year :D

If you have noticed the 'X by GD's album release note... it ain't happening anymore...
 (well not for another while). Disappointing yet true... 
Yeah.. some problems have shown up, concerning GD. I wish to not think much about it so, sorry I can't give any more information on this, but google will help if you'd like to know what has happened.


I'm deeply sorry about this super short update from me...

 but I HAVE to go back & finish writing my essays...      T.T

 Reality is for people with no imagination.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Bargain Baking!! :D

I love cake it's true, and everyone of my friends know this (I may be slightly obsessive) so when I took a mini cake shopping spree in our local town I came across some bargain finds!!

What I bought..
(numbered clockwise)
  1. Wilton 12 Piece Cupcake Decorating Set - £8.99
  2. 1 Mince Mix, 50 Dinners - £2.99
  3. Wiltshire Ridged Cookie Cutters - £1.99
  4. Pretty Party Cakes - £6.99
  5. The Cupcake - £3.99
All for under £25  :D

   I also bought 12 silicone cupcake cases for £2 from poundland, a wee bit sceptical, fumes an' all, but i'll give them a go :)

Next up, if anybody get's confused.. MiikiPoo = Miiks 

P.s  Check out the other blog for an old lady death match at a knitting show!!

Sunday, October 02, 2011


I really am! :)

Even though MiikiPoo et moi confessed to not being this week with ze blog, this weekend we're on FIRE!!
My beautiful BABY!!

A few weeks ago, I bought an Olympus E-pl 1 [YAY], but when it was delivered Horror of all horrors, THE FLASH DIDN'T WORK! :'(
So after a heartbreaking few day's I received a replacement for it, and Hey Presto, It works!!

It ish so B-E-A-utiful! :)  I'll be taking some test snaps with it over the next couple of days :D

So, why am I a legend? Well other than being just plain awesome *cringe*, I Learnt something new today..

Fancy taking a guess?
I learnt how to make animated GIF's!!!! :D     I know it's really not all that, but it took a lot of effort with my measly PSE 8!
Lop-sided and too fast but FyAAH!

Also, I just dyed my hair. It was the colour of a Tangoed dead chicken (honestly, I quite liked it :$) , but now, I think it's more of a coppery ginger :) Which I don't mind too much either!
I used Naturtint: Arizona Copper :P if you ever need to know! xD

Saturday, October 01, 2011


Cute or what ;P
 Bonjour tout le monde! Ca va?^^

I apologise in advance for the typing mistakes, I think i've had a little too much Asahi beer :S 
You might also notice that i'll blabber a lot.
(Don't worry i'm not an alcoholic or anything, i'm just chilling whilst writing this post.)

 Well LOADS has been going on recently, and as you would have seen i haven't posted anything since i was in Japanzz. (Sorry, everything has been really hectic!)
I will promise all UWO's out there that a proper post (on both Blogs) will be up by next week ^^ (wait for it) ;)

 'L' What.Is.Up with the weather?! It's Autumn man.. Autumn, why is it hotter than in the summer -_-  Well shouldn't be complaining really should I ^^ Time to catch some rays ;D

 So, college has started which means Essays..essays..essays..sketchbook.. -_-
 (Which explains why Junkie & I haven't had time to blog much) :S But we'll get used to it and make blogging a habit, so PLEASE have a little faith in us :D 

The small things in life which make you happy
-A random guy walking up to us to say Hi, which did actually make my day, well not until we had to enter the textiles room of doom!-_-  

-Singing along to a song which matches the situation your in...
[ I think i'm ugly and nobody want to love me. Just like her I wanna be pretty, I wanna be pretty. Don't lie to my face, coz I know I am ugly.] 2ne1 'Ugly'

-I bought a new Nail varnish! Encouraged by Junkie... I do have a feeling  it was worth getting ;) SO when I next try it on i shall upload pictures on our other Blog :D Check out the website, they have some newly released varnishes (of which the silver foil effect one, i bought today)
  ---> http://www.barrym.com/products/nails.asp

  EXCITEMENT! >_<   Upcoming events :
-Junkie & I are going to London for an exhibition kinda thing.. 
-G-Dragon might release his solo album in October (I've read on a gossip site/might not even be true)
-Posh Certificate evening back at schoolio
-The Darkness Concert :D
-Nickelback's album will be released in 50 days! (November 21)
-Birthday in December! (Its pretty soon, well soon enough to get excited :P )
-Le Noel/ Christmas! (+German Christmas market!)
-Of course followed by New year :D

 Anyone wanna share what they are excited about? Any gigs? Shows?Album releases? Anyyythinng..??  It would be awesome to hear :D (If anyone does know when G-dragon's solo album will be released, please let us know) :D 

 OH! I have another question... I'm wondering if anyone who has been to 2ne1's Nolza Concert,could share some pictures which they took? :S(I'm just really curious^^) It must have been superly aweshome! Oh L i'm Jealous! :3

Ninjas & Pirates agree: Cowboys suck.