Saturday, October 08, 2011

Bargain Baking!! :D

I love cake it's true, and everyone of my friends know this (I may be slightly obsessive) so when I took a mini cake shopping spree in our local town I came across some bargain finds!!

What I bought..
(numbered clockwise)
  1. Wilton 12 Piece Cupcake Decorating Set - £8.99
  2. 1 Mince Mix, 50 Dinners - £2.99
  3. Wiltshire Ridged Cookie Cutters - £1.99
  4. Pretty Party Cakes - £6.99
  5. The Cupcake - £3.99
All for under £25  :D

   I also bought 12 silicone cupcake cases for £2 from poundland, a wee bit sceptical, fumes an' all, but i'll give them a go :)

Next up, if anybody get's confused.. MiikiPoo = Miiks 

P.s  Check out the other blog for an old lady death match at a knitting show!!

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