Sunday, May 08, 2011

Fortune Telling :D

Welcome all.. To the one and ONLY Diary of a UWO!!

This will be the site to see our regular shenanigans and hoo-haas, so strap in, and enjoy the ride!! ;D

To get the ball rolling... Hmm.. Oooooh!! 

A story from yesterday!,,,,, Fortune Cookies..

Yesterday, MikiPoo and myself (JunkiPie) bought some cookie's. Oh no, not just ANY cookie's but majical Fortune Cookie's which err, well to say the least, gave some strange advice that the food we were eating may have adverse affects on children.. GREAT!! (This was on the ingredient's list, not the actual cookie message xD)
Simply fantastic... 
And for the actual message? 
Well MikiPoo got this..

And I got this..
So overall verdict on those charming little cookies..?